Hope | Kids

We want our children to grow deep roots in Christ so they can share their faith with the world around them!

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” -Colossians 2:6-7

This Year

What’s the scoop?

Sunday Mornings:

Every Sunday morning our children check-in in our gathering area and go to the sanctuary to begin worship with the congregation.  The children are dismissed from the sanctuary during the first portion of the service to their teachers. They go directly to their small group classrooms. They have a wonderful time with their teachers and classroom helpers learning truths about our God.  All teachers and helpers are background checked.

Nursery- Our program for birth through 3-years-old. The Nursery is located in the upstairs education wing.

Hope|Kids- Our Pre-K – 5th grade space has been recently renovated and is located in the bottom of the education wing.  Our goal is to root our children in Christ. We want them to be comfortable sharing their faith with others. We have a Pre-K – Kindergarten classroom, a 1st – 3rd classroom, and a 4th – 5th classroom.

Hope|Kids Club- From 10:30am – 11:00am, all of the classrooms meet in our Rec. Room. Our parents are encouraged to come down after service and see what their children are learning about our incredible God. The children are released to their parents from this space when we are done.

Who Do I Contact with Questions? Contact our Children’s and Youth Ministry Director Jesse Galli at: hopekids@ourlivinghope.church

The Rest of the Year

Hope|Kids Ministry

Hope|Kids Club

At the end of each week, we close our children’s ministry time with Hope Kids Club- a time to sing, do interactive activities, recap the week, and celebrate Jesus!

Small Groups

After music upstairs, our kids break into age appropriate small groups for Bible time, activities, snack, and prayer. Our hope is to help kids begin to look at the world, their life, daily choices, and goals through the eyes of Jesus Christ.

Small Groups

After music upstairs, our kids break into age appropriate small groups for Bible time, activities, snack, and prayer. Our hope is to help kids begin to look at the world, their life, daily choices, and goals through the eyes of Jesus Christ.


Summer Camps
Summer Camp is a great way to for kids to be introduced to Christian based retreats. We support multiple organizations for our kids to participate with.

Fall Overnights
Each fall Rock Mountain holds an overnighter for 3rd-6th Grade Church, School, & Family Groups.

Camping Scholarships
Children and Youth who are connected to Living Hope Church and want to attend an approved Christian camping opportunity are encouraged to apply for scholarship assistance. The application form is located below.

Hope|Kids Jr.

Hope|Kids Jr. is our free preschool program open to four-year-olds. It meets on Thursdays from 11:20am-12:20pm,, October to June in the Hope|Kids space. Children learn Bible stories in an age-appropriate manner, do fun crafts, and participate in activities all focused on the Bible. There are also additional special events throughout the year. 

Hope|Kids Jr.

Hope|Kids Jr. is our free preschool program open to four-year-olds. It meets on Thursdays from 11:20am-12:20pm,, October to June in the Hope|Kids space. Children learn Bible stories in an age-appropriate manner, do fun crafts, and participate in activities all focused on the Bible. There are also additional special events throughout the year. 


Vacation Bible School runs for a week in July from 8:30am to 11:30am and is for four-year-olds up to 5th grade. This year we will be taking the kids on an Alaskan adventure called True North! The kids will learn to trust Jesus in a wild world. More info will be coming!

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Still have questions?

Please reach out and we will answer any questions you might still have.